
What is communication? ProPings

What is communication?
Communication is a Latin word meaning 'to share'. It is an exchange of information between different individuals. It involves sharing ideas, concepts, imaginations, behaviors, and written material. Communication is easily defined as the transfer of information from one place to another.
Three elements are required to conduct the communication process, namely the sender, a medium (on which information is handled) and a recipient. The sender is the most involved person with a complete understanding of the message he wants to deliver. On the other hand, the receiver does not necessarily know about the sender and the subject of the information as to what the purpose of the sender is.
·        Communication Process:
The communication is an effective process that begins with the develop a though of ideas by the sender who then transmits the message through a channel to the receiver, who in turn delivers the evaluation in the form of some message or the signal within the given time-body. Hence, there are 3 extensive aspects of communication process.
1-   Sender:
The communicator is the individual who begins the communication and has developed a though as well as the idea that he thinks to convey it to others.

2-   Encoding: 
The sender begins with the encoding process wherein he uses certain words or non-verbal methods such as symbols, signs, body gestures, etc. to translate the information into a message. The sender’s knowledge, skills, perception, background, competencies, etc. have an amazing clash on the success of the message.

3-   Message: 
Once the conceal is finished, the sender brings the message that he obtained to convey. The message can be recorded, oral, symbolic or non-verbal such as body gestures, sights, silence, sounds, etc. or any other signal that triggers the response of a receiver.

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